Monday, September 12, 2011

Okay, I'll prove it!

As some of you may know, last year I dropped out of public school to be home schooled and study for a GED because I didn't like the way the school system was handling my allergy. And by handling, I mean determinedly ignoring in the hope it would just go away. Apparently, imposing any kind of anti-peanut rule would actually be detrimental to me because it would "give me a false sense of security" and I "wouldn't know how to keep myself safe in the real world." 
For the record, learning how to decipher an ingredients list is learning to keep myself safe in the real world. Leaving the room every time we play a quiz game with candy is not. 
At some point I mentioned to someone that I actually had a disability and therefore they were being real dicks not even trying to include me in things. They more or less laughed in my face. (I say more or less because I'm not sure if that little scoffing sound adults make when a child has just said something hilariously incorrect really counts as a laugh.)
Well, you know what? My school really pissed me off, so now I'm going to prove it!!!
Personally, I don't get why everyone finds it so hard to believe. I have to carry an EpiPen everywhere. I have to triple-check that all my food is safe. If I mess up I could get very sick and need to be rushed to the hospital, or even die. Before I got Poodleface I had several small reactions a week, mostly painful skin rashes, from touching contaminated surfaces. My allergy clearly puts restraints on my life. 

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