Thursday, November 3, 2011


I had a nice long post partway typed out about the vacation we just came back from, but my computer stalled and froze and had to be restarted and I lost the whole thing. Sooooo, I'll come back to that later and for now I'm gonna talk about sunglasses.

We went to New Mexico and Texas in our camper last week and I spent a lot of time thinking longingly of sunglasses and how much I miss being able to wear them. I'd love to, but I don't, because they're just not worth the misunderstandings.
I got Poodleface at the beginning of summer, so I learned fairly quickly that if you wear sunglasses whilst walking a service dog everyone will assume that you're blind. A lot of people will approach you and ask if they're right, are you blind? And then you get to explain that you're not, no, it's just very bright outside, and then the conversation can go one of two ways. They can be embarrassed but handle it well, or they can demand to know if you really need a service dog at all or if you were just hoping you could wear the sunglasses and have no one notice the clearly unworthy dog you've just brought into their store.
So I swore off sunglasses forever.

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